Rescue Me! Dog FijiFiji Dog Rescue

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Fiji Dog Rescue
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Urgent: This animal could be euthanized if not adopted soon.

Rescue Me ID: 11-11-14-00276PoorlittleFijiPup (female)

Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix    Age: Young Puppy

Compatibility: Good with Male Dogs Only 
Personality: Low Energy, Very Submissive 
Health: Malnourished, Abused/Neglected 

    This poor little little stray puppy at Biausevu village, Viti Levue who is very emaciated. I took him food today 11/21 and he is much thinner than last week when i saw her! Please can anyone help ? I have to leave for the US tomorrow night but i will pay for any medcal and food and care. PLEASE !My email address is: [email protected]. A villager kicked her (hard) when I was there. she is very sweet and friendly but so very thin. I do not think he will live much longer without regular feedings of good food. I was taking the waterfall tour there and saw her yesterday. I would donate dog food also if someone could help her. I am visiting ... (Read More)from the US and am here only until 11/23. I would bring her ack to US with me if I could. can someone help her? Hotel # is 011-679-675-042 WyndamDenaurau My phones dont work here (Less)

     Animal Location:

Viti Levu Fiji

Contact:Barbara Jamison 011 679 675 0442EMAIL

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Urgent: This animal could be euthanized if not adopted soon.

Rescue Me ID: 11-11-14-00274Poor Little Pup (female)

Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix    Age: Young Puppy

Compatibility: Good with Most Dogs, Good with Kids and Adults 
Personality: Very Low Energy, Very Submissive 
Health: Needs to be Spayed, Needs Vaccinations, Malnourished,

    Could anyone help this poor little pup that is emaciated at biausevu village in Viti Levu. I am visiting this beautiful country and went there on a waterfall tour. the poor little puppy is very emaciated but he is so very sweet and friendly. He is just a rack of bones. i would take him home with me to the US if I could. He needs food so badly. I will pay for some food for him and any medical care needed also but he probably needs to be wormed most likely. I work in animal rescue in the US and fear this little puppy is too emaciated to survive much longer with out regular feedings of good food. he is friendly and sweet. there are several ... (Read More)other very thin dogs there as well. They are all strays I will pay for dog food for her if someone can please help him i am only in country one more day now--leaving the evening of november 22nd, 9 pm Hotel in Denarau (Wyndam) is posted below. UPDATE: I went back today (11/21) with food for the pup. He is much thinner and desperately needs help. ( while I was there today pone of the villagers kicked him (hard). It was heartbreaking! is: [email protected] (Less)

     Animal Location:

Viti Levu Fiji

Contact:Barbara Jamison 011 679 675 0442EMAIL

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PIease Read Before Adopting a Dog in Fiji
    Dogs can make good pets in Fiji if they match your IifestyIe. Dogs have a reputation for being "man's best friend" for excellent reasons. Dogs are wonderful companions. Many breeds, in addition to being affectionate, devoted members of the family, are useful working dogs and guardians. Most dogs form tight bonds with their humans, and need to be cared for like the valuable family members they are. But sadly, some owners do not live up to the responsibility and involvement it takes to properly care for a dog throughout its life. Dogs can become the victims of neglect or active abuse. Some dogs receive tender, attentive care from their owners, but no longer have a home after their owner passes away or experiences a major life event that makes him unable to keep his dog. There are many more dogs than there are homes for dogs, and dogs that are not spayed or neutered can accidentally produce large numbers of puppies, exacerbating overpopulation. For this reason, three to four million dogs, many of them perfectly healthy and wonderful animals, are euthanized in the U.S. each year.

    Many people get excited about owning a new dog, decide to get a puppy, and then pick one out at a pet shop or visit a breeder with a new litter. However, there are so many wonderful, friendly dogs in need of adoption, including puppies and purebreds. Some of these dogs might even be a better fit for a family than a new puppy; for instance, some adult dogs in need of adoption are already housebroken and obedience trained. Adoption is typically much less expensive than purchasing a dog. People who adopt dogs find the experience extremely rewarding, bond very closely with their dogs, and have the added satisfaction of knowing that one less animal has to be euthanized. If your family is ready for a canine companion, please consider adopting a dog!

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
lnteresting Dog Trivia Fiji Fact Sheet
    All dogs, even cute little lap dogs, are ultimately descended from domesticated wolves. There are hundreds of dog breeds with extremely varied characteristics and sizes, from the tiniest teacup Chihuahua to the hugest Mastiff, but all of these breeds make up just one species Canis lupus familiaris and can theoretically breed with one another (although there can be practical and health related constraints.)

Related pages:

Dog Rescue

Fiji Animal Rescue
    Fiji is Iocated in Oceania. The population of Fiji is about 905,000. Most peopIe in Fiji speak English or Fijian. Threatened species known from Fiji include the Monkey Bat and Polynesian Sheath-tailed Bat.
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